From Summer Solstice celebrations to Pride Week in Wales, or from Jane Austen Regency Week in Hampshire to the London Food Festival and The Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh, people love Festivals and many have graced this year’s calendar already. September is a  perfect month to experience and enjoy one or more upcoming festivals or even to create your own mini one at home.

Since the 1960’s people have tended to be more aware of Music Festivals and heaven knows there is a wonderful plethora of them around the country to enjoy; but Festivals are there for more than music.

Throughout history festivals have been created to celebrate and or give thanks for something.

Festivals celebrate the start of a new year, dates vary from culture to culture. Spring is often welcomed in and thanks given later in the year for harvests (for 2024 Harvest Festival is 6th October, we’re giving you a month to prepare for it!). Victories have been celebrated and festivals created to honour monarchs.

Festivals celebrate religion, they celebrate human achievement and they often were celebrations of simple survival into another year. They brought communities together, strengthened ties and created common spirit and support.

In a more affluent climate we celebrate gifts that go beyond simple survival and September is a great month to be out and about, it is a popular month for festivals and especially for village fetes.

Festivals, Fairs; in England there came another event, the aforementioned, village Fete. These events were often driven by charitable endeavour, crafts people selling their wares to raise money for good causes in the community. Sack races, three legged races and various other traditions may or may not be in evidence depending upon the health and safety views of the day but fun is generally in abundance and getting involved in a village fete can be a great way to immerse yourself deeper into a local community. Many happen in June but check locally, there area wonderful selection in September too.

Your challenge for this month is to support a fete and/or visit a festival. They can be exciting, colourful, a welcome distraction, informative and just fun; it’s yet another way to connect with the people and world around you, another way to  Make Life Special.

Start with a search ‘village fetes in September 2024’ and see what comes up!

Seeing as some say ‘A fete is an extravagant celebration or party, sometimes outdoors’ then you may choose to organise something special for friends and family, to enjoy your very own ‘fete’ at home.

Annual Events in Britain – Visit Britain

British Science Festival

The Jane Austen Festival

Festival of History and Culture

York Food and Drink Festival

London Design Festival

Federation of Festivals

Association of Independent Festivals

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