Enjoy the Christmas lights near you!

I really enjoy walking around our village of a December evening looking at the christmas lights people have put up.

Some decorate their homes and gardens to raise money for charity and some do it for simple pleasure, whatever the reason behind it, the effect is a lovely one.

What do people do near you?

This challenge is a simple one, just take some time to go and experience your neighbourhood in a different light.

My trip around the village normally includes a stop at one of the pubs and sometimes a meal as well; make an event of this challenge.

In recent years Christmas Light Trails have become a thing and there are some amazing ones out there to enjoy.

By the time you read this challenge it will likely be too late to book tickets to the most popular Christmas Trails. If you’ve missed them and love the idea of visiting one, make a diary note for next year, book early especially for the likes of Kew Gardens, it’s incredibly popular and rightly so.

Christmas light shows: Here are 22 of the best not to miss

Do let us know how you get on, share with us on social media (you’ll find links on the right hand side of this page or at the bottom on mobile). We’d love to hear from you, to see some pictures and by all means share ideas for next year. We already have a growing list we couldn’t fit into this challenge.

Please continue to follow our Advent Challenge here

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